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Thursday, November 9, 2023

Powerful Self Ruqya for Financial and Family Problems

 Many people complain about why their lives are always filled with difficulties, the various businesses they start always end in failure. Debts pile up, life is difficult, the household is always filled with endless arguments. The heart always asks

why is life difficult like this, is there a way out? Why do prayers seem unanswered, why does God seem not to care? Those who are impatient to face difficulties will take shortcuts, by visiting magicians, shamans and psychics, committing fraudulent acts such as

stealing, robbing, cheating and so on.

 In Surah Al Baqarah verse 153 Allah reminds you to overcome all these difficulties by asking for help from Allah and in Surah Al Baqarah verse 186 Allah also say :

[002_186]186 And when My servants question thee concerning Me, then surely I am nigh. I answered the prayer of the supplier when he cried unto me. So let them hear My call and let them trust in Me, in order that they may be led aright. (Al Baqarah 186)

All problems and difficulties experienced can definitely be overcome with Allah. He will definitely help people who really pray and ask Him. Allah is very close to His servants who are confident and always ask for His help. People who don't care about Allah, Allah doesn't care about them. People who always remember and pray to Him, Allah will pay attention

and fulfill all one's needs. If life is always covered in misfortune and various difficulties, check that maybe we are not getting closer to Allah. Maybe we are reluctant and arrogant to pray to Him. Soothe your heart by listening to several verses of the Qur'an and the Ruqya as follows, read the Arab language part over and over, miniimum 3x. The translation must read  if only you don't know yet the meaning.

Surah Fathir 23

Surah  An Nur 55

Surah Al fath 1-4

Surah ash syuura 12



In this verse, Allah explains that whatever grace is opened to someone, no power can prevent it. Likewise, whatever Allah withholds from someone, no one can give it except Allah. Instill confidence within each of us that whatever grace God opens for us, no power can prevent it. Ask Allah to open the door of mercy for us from heaven and earth. Ask Allah to open the doors of mercy for us from all directions He wishes. Ask Allah so that He does not close the door of His mercy for us. Because if He closes the door of His Mercy, no one can open it except Himself.

In this verse, Allah also reminds us to remember and remember the various blessings He has given us. Convince in your heart that no one can provide us with sustenance from the heavens and the earth except Allah, we should not turn away from Him who controls the treasuries of wealth in the heavens and the earth. Ask Allah to give us the strength to always be grateful for the various blessings He has given us.

Read of the verse above and the tadabbur seriously, live it and absorb its meaning. Ask Allah to open the doors of His mercy from all the desired directions. Ask Allah to give you the strength to remember and be grateful for the various blessings He has given us. Listen to Surah Fathir and the ruqya over and over again, then read or memorize the verse and recite the Ruqya in writing as below.

O Allah, you have reminded us in your great Qur'an, that whatever grace you open to humans, no one can prevent it, and whatever you withhold from humans, no one can give it except you. Indeed, You are all-powerful and all-wise.

And you have also reminded us so that we always remember the various blessings that you have given us. Is there a creator other than You who can give us sustenance from the heavens and the Earth, O Allah, there is no god worthy of worship except You, we should not turn away from You.

O Allah, whatever grace You have opened for us, no one can prevent it. Open for us the doors of mercy from Your heaven and earth, open for us the doors of mercy from all corners that You bless. Open for us the doors of sustenance from Your heaven and earth, open for us the doors of sustenance from all corners that You desire. Don't withhold Your mercy from us, O Allah, if You withhold Your mercy from us, no one can open it except You, O Allah. Forgive us, O Allah, don't close the door to mercy from us, O Allah, please allow our request, O Allah

O Allah, help us to always remember the various blessings that You have bestowed on us. Help us to be grateful for all the blessings you have given us. O Allah, there is no God who can give us sustenance from the heavens and the earth except You, You are God,you are the only one we worship. O Allah, do not turn our hearts away from remembering and worshiping You. Strengthen our faith and confidence in You, please grant our request, O Allah."

By reading this Ruqya verse, God willing, He will open the gate to His mercy and sustenance from heaven and earth for you, so that you will be free from various difficulties and pressures in life.



In this verse, Allah reminds us that He has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds, that He will make them rule on this earth as He made the ancients rule. And He will confirm the religion that is acceptable to them, and replace their fear and anxiety with a sense of security and peace from Him, provided they do not associate anything with Allah. Whoever is ungrateful is a faski.

Read to the verse and the Ruqya carefully, live and absorb the meaning. Make sure that what Allah promises in this verse will definitely be fulfilled, because Allah never breaks His promises. Read to the verse following the ruqya over and over again, then memorize or read the verse yourself with the tadabbur as follows:

"O Allah, you have conveyed to us in your great Qur'an, that you have promised those who believe and do good deeds among us, that you will make us rule on this earth as you have made those before us rule. And you will confirm the religion that You have blessed us with, and You will truly change our situation from being in a state of fear to being safe and sound. So that we continue to worship You and not associate anything with You. Whoever disbelieves after that, they are the wicked.

O Allah, strengthen our faith and confidence in You, set our hearts to do good deeds that You approve of. Make us rule on this earth as You have made those before us rule. Don't make us a weak people, an oppressed and humiliated people. Make us a strong and strong people. Strengthen our position on this earth as You promised in Your great Qur'an, O Allah

Strengthen for us the religion that you approve of from Your side, exchange our fears, our anxieties, our worries with a sense of security, comfort and tranquility from Your side. Remove worry and anxiety from our hearts, strengthen our faith and confidence in You.

O Allah, set our hearts to continue to worship You and not associate anything with You. Don't turn our hearts away from worshiping You, don't make us take other Gods as worship besides You. Don't include us in the group of wicked people. “

By reading the tadabbur prayer above, God willing, He will give you a good position in this world, in the form of a position, a successful business venture, power and authority, preventing you from living a life of poverty, poverty, humiliation and marginalization. Strengthen your faith and belief in Allah, avoid committing polytheism and associating partners with Him with something.


In this verse, Allah explains that He has given us real victory, so that Allah will forgive our past and future sins. Completes His blessings upon us, shows us the straight path, and helps us with powerful help from Him. He is the one who has brought calm into the hearts of believers so that their faith will increase along with the existing faith. To Allah belongs the army of the heavens and the earth. He is all-knowing and all-wise.

Read to the verse and the Ruqya carefully, live it and absorb its meaning. Make sure in your heart that what Allah promises in that verse will definitely be fulfilled. Read to the following verse with the ruqya over and over again, then memorize or read the verse yourself with the ruqya  as follows:

"O Allah, You have reminded us in Your great Qur'an, that You have given us a clear victory. So that You forgive our past and future sins, and complete Your blessings on us and guide us on the straight path and help us with strong help. O Allah, you are the one who sends calm into the hearts of those who believe so that their faith increases along with the faith that already exists. To You are the armies of the heavens and the earth and You are all-knowing and all-wise.

O Allah, we ask that what You have promised in Your Great Qur'an, open for us the path to success and victory. Make for us a real victory from YOUR side.

O Allah, forgive our past and future sins, both known and unknown. Yours


Read to this verse carefully, live it and absorb its meaning. Believe in your heart that everything that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah, He is the One who holds and controls the treasuries of the riches of the heavens and the earth. It is He who expands and narrows sustenance for whomever He wills. After Reading to the verse, read the Ruqya prayer as follows:

"O Allah, You have reminded us in Your Glorious Qur'an that to You belongs the treasury of wealth in the heavens and the earth. You expand and narrow your sustenance for whom you will. You know everything that is in the heavens and the earth.

O Allah, who controls the treasuries of wealth in the heavens and the earth, You are the one who expands and narrows sustenance for whom You will. We ask you, O Allah, to expand our sustenance as far as possible. Open for us the door of sustenance from YOUR heaven and earth, open for us the door of sustenance from all corners that You bless.

O Allah, don't narrow our sustenance, don't narrow our lives, don't narrow our lives with mounting debts, don't close the door to our sustenance. Expand our sustenance as far as possible with YOUR mercy and grace. Give us a good life in this world and the hereafter. You know everything. Please allow our request, O Allah. “

By reading the Ruqya above, God willing, He will expand your sustenance as far as possible, protect you from poverty, destitution and squalor of life. God willing, you will live abundantly and well.

These are some of the verses that open the gate to sustenance and the gate to mercy in the Qur'an. To improve your fate and life, listen and recite the verse above seriously after every prayer. At least it is done after the morning and evening prayers. It can also be done after evening prayers and Duha prayers. This verse can be downloaded and uploaded to the cellphone

so you can listen to it whenever and wherever you want. If you have mastered all these verses, memorize them and recite them in the prayers you perform. To always remember and instill the power of this verse in your heart and mind, listen to the combination of all these verses as follows below. Consisting of the Surah Alfatihah, Fathir 2-3, An Nur 55, Al fath 1-4 and ash syuura 12, you can download and upload them to your cellphone. Listen to this combination of verses to motivate and raise your enthusiasm for living this life. God willing, all your difficulties will disappear

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