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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Shalawat attracting fortune from all directions.

Sholawat for attracting fortune //

Sholawat forr wealth // shalawat //
# shalawatforfortune #shalawatforwealth

For those who get used to reading it, fortune will flow from all corners in addition
 to the reward of this world and the hereafter.

Allaahumma sholli 'alaa sayyidinaa muhammadin 'adada anwa-ir rizqi wal-futuuhaati, yaa baasithul-ladzii yabsuthur-rizqo liman yas-yaa u 
bighoiri hisaabin. ubsuth 'alayya rizqon katsiron min kulli jihatin min khozaa ini rizqika bighoiri minnati makhluuqin. Bifadl-lika wa ka-rornika 
wa 'alaa aalihi wa shohbihi wa sallim.  

O Allah, bestow Salutation on Sayyidina Muhammad  as much as sustenance. 
O Baasith, God Who Has Expanded Sustenance for those whom He wills 
without counting, expand And increase my sustenance from all corners of
Your sustenance treasury without the gift of creatures. Blessing
Your mercy only. And also give Blessing for his f
amily And his Companions And peace.

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