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Monday, January 22, 2018

Munqid Min Al Dhalal Audio Book

 Imam Abu Hamid bin Muhammad al-Ghazali (1058-1111 AD), known as a Muslim leader with a myriad of nicknames.
Starting from jurists (faqih), philosophers (philosophers), to Sufism experts (Sufi).
So many areas of science are mastered, the public was difficult to put this figure in a certain field.
Some place it as a jurist, some put on the field of philosophy, Sufism, and so forth.
The confusion of this person, was experienced by the perpetrator himself.
His various predicates and knowledge, makes it difficult for him to focus on a field that is able to bring him closer to God and the pleasure of connecting or meeting the Creator.
Narrated, al-Ghazali confused when entering the stage of deed (charity).
He is faced with two choices, namely entering the inner practice (heart) by abandoning all worldly attributes such as facilities and positions, or maintaining those facilities and positions, without entering into the inner experience.

Because of this very difficult choice, Al-Ghazali had been ill for six months to make a choice.
He surrendered everything to the Creator and walked as it is.
From this, however, there is a tendency for him to take a path from those two choices, that is to drown in the inner experience and renounce the worldly.
Based on that choice, the world also recognize him as a famous Sufi and philosopher.
His book or his work, has sufficiently represented the character of an al-Ghazali, in his field of work.
His works in the field of Sufism is very much.
In fact, the most popular are Ihya Ulum ad-Din, Bidayah al-Hidayah, Misykat al-Anwar, al-Risalah al-Laduniyyah, al-Kashfu wa al-Tibyan fi Ghurur al-Khalq Ajma'in, Minhaj al-'Abidin , and al-Munqidz Min ad-Dlalal.

This shows, the extent of knowledge and the inner journey of a character named al-Ghazali this.
Of course, each of the books he wrote, varies in his position as a Sufi.
For example, his work entitled Ihya Ulum ad-Din, he wrote as he led a Sufi life.
The writing begins ever since he decided to retreat (uzlah) to Damascus.
According to Himajaya, in his book Mengenal al-Ghazali, when he returned to teach in Baghdad, Ihya Ulum ad-Din still wrote.

A very long time.
And while writing Ihya Ulum Ad-Din, al-Ghazali also completed five other works.
Meanwhile, in the field of philosophy, he wrote a work entitled Tahafat al-Falasifah (Destruction of Philosophy, Refutation of philosophy).
In this field, he sees the sterility of the methodology of many thinkers in explaining the nature of truth.
According to al-Ghazali, the philosophers tend to use reason rather than promoting religious values ​​in their thinking.

In Batiniyah, he sees error, because with the concept of at-ta'lim, the role of experience, observation, and the human mind as the tools of finding truth in the scriptures, is highly neglected.

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